Friends and family members may provide a needed sense of love, strength, and comfort after an incident of sexual violence or harassment, domestic/dating violence, or other difficult personal experience. Cornell also provides resources for support, including confidential service providers and other experienced advisors who can be very helpful with your concerns, questions, feelings, and healing.
Confidential Resources
The university offers a number of confidential resources for individuals who are looking for support, or an opportunity to consider next steps, who need care or who may be unsure about whether to report incidents to the university or police. Conversations with the university’s “confidential resources” are kept strictly confidential and, except in rare circumstances, will not be shared (including to faculty, coaches, parents, etc.) without explicit permission. Individuals who are considering filing a complaint with the University, Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX or law enforcement are encouraged to speak with an advocate first in order to make an informed decision about next steps. Please visit the office webpages to determine whether there are in-person services or remote options for contact.
- Cornell Health (medical and mental health providers, for students)
- The SHARE Office
- Cornell Victim Advocacy Program (for students, staff, and faculty)
- (607) 255-1212
- The professional staff of the LGBT Resource Center
- The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) (for faculty, staff, and post-docs)
- The University Ombuds
- The director of the Office of Spirituality and Meaning-Making and the pastoral counselors of Cornell United Religious Work (CURW)
- The Tompkins County Advocacy Center (off campus resource for students, staff, and faculty)
- (607) 277-5000 (24/7 hotline)
For confidential support resources other than those listed above, call the New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence hotline at (800) 942-6906.
More about confidentiality
Conversations with these confidential resources are kept private and, except in rare circumstances, will not be shared without your explicit permission. Even those university officials who cannot guarantee confidentiality, such as the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX, will maintain a person’s privacy to the greatest extent possible.
Cornell Health, FSAP, and CURW will not share with the university’s Title IX Coordinator or any other university officials any information disclosed to them in the course of providing medical and/or mental health services or pastoral counseling. These conversations may also be legally privileged in the event of a court proceeding.
The victim advocates, professional staff of the WRC and LGBT Resource Center, and the Ombuds will not convey any personally identifiable information to the university Title IX Coordinator or any other university officials; however, they may share with the university Title IX Coordinator de-identified statistical or other information regarding prohibited conduct under Policy 6.4.
The Tompkins County Advocacy Center is independent of Cornell and has no duty to consult with the university.
More about support resources
The SHARE Office
Victim Advocacy
(607) 255-1212
The Victim Advocacy services of the SHARE Office provide assistance to members of the Cornell community who are victims of harmful, threatening, or violent incidents. Advocates can provide ongoing support, answer questions, and help you think through what you need to begin the healing process. The Victim Advocacy service is free to members of the Cornell community, and is designed to help each individual pursue the course of action they feel is best for them. Although not a 24/7 crisis service, calls or email inquiries are usually responded to by the next business day.
Learn more about Victim Advocacy:
Counseling and Psychological Services at Cornell Health
(607) 255-5155
Connect with a CAPS counselor
If you are interested in seeking mental health support for a recent sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact, you can reach out directly to a CAPS counselor who specializes in supporting survivors.
To do so, log in to myCornellHealth and select “Appointments” and then “Mental Health appointment.” You will be given the option to send a message to a sexual violence response counselor, who will follow up with you directly to schedule an appointment.
“Let’s Talk”
“Let’s Talk” for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students is a service that offers informal, confidential consultation with a Cornell Health counselor. Learn more.
Support groups
Support groups on campus can offer a safe environment to discuss feelings with others who are dealing with similar issues. Many individuals report that they find the group experience to be helpful far beyond their expectations. There are many group counseling options available through Cornell Health. Groups are private and confidential and free to registered Cornell students.
Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
(607) 255-2673
Cornell’s Faculty Staff Assistance Program offers free, confidential, professional counseling and consultation services to Cornell faculty, staff, and post docs.
The University Ombuds
(607) 255-4321
The Office of the University Ombuds offers a safe place where community members may discuss problems or issues within the University. The Ombuds treats all inquiries as confidential. The Office offers a unique setting where community members may talk about issues in a candid and authentic manner without fear of reprisal. Their efforts are geared toward managing conflict, thereby improving the student life experience and the staff work environment.
The Advocacy Center of Tompkins County
(607) 277-5000
The Advocacy Center is independent of Cornell University. They provide 24/7 confidential support, advocacy, and resources related to sexual assault and relationship violence. Advocacy Center staff are available to assist individuals who seek medical care and the collection of forensic evidence through a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) exam at Cayuga Medical Center.
Medical Care
- For students: All currently registered Cornell undergraduate, graduate, and professional students may use Cornell Health’s (607-255-5155) full range of services, including care after an assault. Staff at Cornell Health appreciate the diversity of students’ identities, experiences, backgrounds, and choices, and are committed to meeting the individual needs with compassion and respect.
- For staff and faculty: Employees in need of care after an incident should consult with their primary care physician.
- For all:
- Cayuga Medical Center (CMC): Ithaca hospital & emergency department, open 24/7; (607) 274-4411
- CMC Urgent Care: CMC’s (non-emergency) urgent care clinic; (607) 274-4150
- Ithaca WellNow Urgent Care: Urgent care walk-in clinic; (607) 319-4563
New York City Campuses
In an emergency, call 911.
NYC students can access free, confidential support services by contacting:
Weill Cornell Medical College
Students, staff and faculty at Weill Cornell Medical School should access the Weill Cornell sexual misconduct website for New York City resources and reporting options.
Cornell Tech
At Cornell Tech, students, staff, and faculty may report sexual or related misconduct to the University online or by contacting the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX. Students seeking resource/support options may also contact Darshita Dhanak, Student Life & Wellness Specialist. Employees may contact Evelyn Gordon, Senior Director of Human Resources. They can assist with accessing local resources and support services in NYC or Ithaca, and connect individuals to the University Title IX Coordinator. While consultations with these individuals are private, Cornell Tech staff have a duty to report disclosures of sexual misconduct to the University. To discuss matters confidentially that will not be disclosed to the University without explicit permission, see the list of confidential resources at the top of this page.